Find some of my course notes, outputs, and resources here! I’ll try to put as much material here as I can.
☀️ Summer 2020
- Philosophy of Science, University of Pennsylvania (Coursera)
Philosophy and the Sciences: Introduction to the Philosophy of Physical Sciences, University of Edinburgh (Coursera)
- Data-driven Astronomy, University of Sydney (Coursera)
🌸 Spring 2020
- 8.02 Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism)
- 8.282 Introduction to Astronomy
- 12.409 Hands-On Astronomy
- 18.03 Differential Equations
- 24.01 Classics of Western Philosophy
🍁 Fall 2019
- 8.01 Physics I (Mechanics)
- 18.01/2A Single & Multivariable Calculus
- 6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python
- 6.0002 Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science
- 24.00 Problems in Philosophy
- 24.93 The Search for Meaning